COVID-19 Playbook
Facility Precautions
Physical Distancing
- Only 6 clients allowed training at a time (below 33% facility capacity)
- Reservation system is required for all clients before entering facility (assists with regulating capacity and contract tracing, if necessary)
- Each client has 200 sq. ft. of training space (more than 6 ft. distance between all individuals)
- Spotting and hands-on coaching will be limited unless there is a safety concern
- Equipment locations have been optimized to reduce unnecessary foot traffic
On-Site Activity
Local health department inspection scheduled within 14 days after opening
No group classes – only semi-private personal training (1 coach to 6 clients)
Staff and clients must always wear protective face covering, unless eating or drinking. Buffs, gaiters, and bandanas are NOT acceptable
Showers are NOT available for use
Air-Handling Systems
Proper ventilation (windows and doors) will be provided but no use of air conditioning
2x HEPA Air Purifiers will be operational for client safety –
Protective Equipment
OPEX-branded face masks available at front desk, if necessary
Individuals who cannot tolerate a face mask must wear a face shield (facility will not provide face shields)
Hygiene, Cleaning, and Disinfection
All cleaning supplies in the facility are registered with the EPA (here) –
Equipment should not be shared and should be cleaned and disinfected after use (clients are responsible for cleaning and disinfecting their own equipment using our provided cleaning supplies)
Staff is responsible for making sure clients are cleaning and disinfecting properly, and will assist as well
All hygiene, cleaning, and disinfection will be in compliance with CDC and DOH requirements, and logs will be publicly maintained (see below), including the time, date, and scope of cleaning and disinfection
Restrooms are cleaned and disinfected every 2 hours
Microfiber cloth for cleaning equipment is laundered according to CDC guidelines
Owners have reviewed, affirmed, and implemented NYS Guidelines to best ability
Signage is posted for hygiene, social distancing, use of PPE, traffic flow, and cleaning/disinfecting protocols
OPEX Safety plan is publicly available on website
- Health screening conducted for staff and clients before every facility visit via TrueCoach Mobile App
- Have you been in contract in the past 14 days with anyone who has tested postivie for COVID-19 or who has had symptoms?
- Have you tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 14 days?
- Have you experienced any symptoms of COVID-19 in the past 14 days?
– Fever or chills
– Cough
– Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
– Fatigue
– Muscle or body aches
– Headache
– New loss of taste of smell
– Sore throat
– Congestion or runny nose
– Nausea or vomiting
– Diarrhea - Have you traveled to a state that has significant community spread of COVID-19 for longer than 24 hours in the past 14 days?
Daily Safety Protocols
Reserve your 75-minute training slot via our website/Thryv.
Stay home if you are feeling sick or lethargic.
Fill out your COVID-19 Symptom Survey on TrueCoach before every visit.
Please wait to have your temperature taken at the front desk.
Upon taking temperature, immediately go to the bathroom to wash your hands thoroughly.
Cover your nose and mouth with a face covering at all times except when drinking.
At the end of your session, clean and disinfect your equipment using the cleaning supplies provided.
After cleaning your equipment, please place your microfiber cloth in the laundry basket.
Please adhere to social distancing guidelines and remain at least 6 feet away from others if possible.
Please do not leave your belongings at the facility overnight.
Avoid loitering in the facility after your 75 minutes is complete.
If you see another client not following the rules, speak up!
Anyone with a temperature over 99 °F will be asked to leave.
Hands-on coaching will only be permitted if there is a safety concern.
All consultations and monthly check-ins will be conducted via Zoom.
Equipment is cleaned and disinfected after every client use.
Floors are mopped daily after morning shift.
Bathrooms are cleaned every 2 hours during operating hours.
Microfiber cloths are laundered after each client use following CDC guidelines.
COVID-19 Lockdown Protocol
- Following any positive test, we will close the facility for 1 day for a deep cleaning, disinfection, and ventilation of the space. Any client exposed to the positive COVID-19 case will be notified and asked to stay home for at least 7 days to monitor potential symptoms.
- If a staff member tests positive for COVID-19 or has had exposure to a positive COVID-19 case, we will follow NYS DOH guidelines before returning to work.
- Any client who screens positive for COVID-19 symptoms must not be allowed to enter the facility and must follow-up with their healthcare provider. We are required by law to notify our state and local health department of any positive COVID-19 test for contract tracing.
Public Cleaning Logs
- We have chosen to make our cleaning logs publicly available for all existing and potential clients, as well as NYS DOH inspectors. Please see, here.
Monday – Thursday
Coached Sessions: 6am – 9am, 5pm – 8pm
Open Gym hours: 9am – 12pm, 3pm – 5pm, 8pm – 9pm
Coached Sessions: 6am – 10am
Open Gym Hours: 3pm – 7pm
Coached Sessions: 8am – 12pm
Open Gym Hours: 9am – 12pm
We got answers! Be sure to check out our FAQs. Otherwise, feel free to reach out to us either through email or directly on social media.